How to hide or unhide folders and files

The main advantage of hiding using the attrib command is that when we click on the show hidden files option in Windows then the file or folder isn’t shown.
For hiding files and folders we need to use a procedure. In the following scenario I first created a new folder to show how to hide or unhide a folder.
To hide:
Step 1: Go to Start Menu > All Programs >Accessories > Command prompt. or simply press Windows key+R.
Step 2: Now in command prompt type
/> attrib +s +h <drive path>:\<folder name>
ex: />attrib +s +h d:\xyz

Thats it now your folder in D drive will not shown to you even you are cheked in show hidden file will not visible.

To Unhide:
TO unhide a folder you just need to chage the sign of ‘+’ into ‘-‘ to visible your folder
Step 3: /> attrib -s -h d:\xyz
thats it now your file will visible to you.



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