Test Scenarios for Security Testing
- Verify the web page which contains important data like password, credit card numbers, secret answers for security question etc should be submitted via HTTPS (SSL).
- Verify the important information like password, credit card numbers etc should display in encrypted format.
- Verify password rules are implemented on all authentication pages like Registration, forgot password, change password.
- Verify if the password is changed the user should not be able to login with the old password.
- Verify the error messages should not display any important information.
- Verify if the user is logged out from the system or user session was expired, the user should not be able to navigate the site.
- Verify to access the secured and non secured web pages directly without login.
- Verify the “View Source code” option is disabled and should not be visible to the user.
- Verify the user account gets locked out if the user is entering the wrong password several times.
- Verify the cookies should not store passwords.
- Verify if, any functionality is not working, the system should not display any application, server, or database information. Instead, it should display the custom error page.
- Verify the SQL injection attacks.
- Verify the user roles and their rights. For Example The requestor should not be able to access the admin page.
- Verify the important operations are written in log files, and that information should be traceable.
- Verify the session values are in an encrypted format in the address bar.
- Verify the cookie information is stored in encrypted format.
- Verify the application for Brute Force Attacks
Use Netsparker tool for security testing
please read out my all posts thanks
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